Connecting people, data, and workflows

Hundreds of health systems of all sizes use ABOUT to transfer patients into their hospitals, determine inpatient stay logistics, discharge patients to post-acute care, and gain the insights to operate their health system.
November 2, 2021

Top Challenges to Overcome

Every health system leader has unprecedented executive management challenges facing their organization in the wake of the pandemic. During a recent virtual executive roundtable session hosted by the Healthcare Management Academy (HMA), which included the Baldrige Foundation co-hosts, Dr. Roger Spoelman and Dr. Charles Peck, MD, as panelists the discussion clarified the top challenges to overcome for health systems to future proof their organizations. During the 11/2/21 radio show/podcast, Drs Spoelman and Peck will unpack the audience voting from the HMA interactive executive round table, providing keen insight as to the prioritized problems-to-solve and considerations for addressing the challenges.

Checkout other podcasts and webinars from the ABOUT and Baldridge partnership