Connecting people, data, and workflows

Hundreds of health systems of all sizes use ABOUT to transfer patients into their hospitals, determine inpatient stay logistics, discharge patients to post-acute care, and gain the insights to operate their health system.

SaaS Technologies

Example technology configurations to meet your needs

patient on gurney icon
Facilitate efficient patient transfers into your hospitals

Standardized workflow, management, and automation of all aspects of patient transfer, including external and interfacility transfers and referrals. Intelligent Protocols to assist in determining the optimal patient placement into your system.


Efficient transfers
Accept more patients
Optimize capacity
Service line growth

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Admit Prioritization
AI-enabled technology to place the right patient in the right bed at the right time

See a provider centric view of all patient admissions and encompassing admission considerations. Gain valuable insight into timing, assignment and prioritization of patient needs.


Automated updates on transfer events
Scoring Prioritization
Readmission Insights
Configurable patient care elements

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System Capacity
Scalable analytics to manage your capacity

Get situational awareness of your patient demand and available capacity, from the system to the patient level. Use predictive analytics from your own data to forecast demand and avoid bed shortages.


Dynamic census predictions
Scale from the system down to the bed
Forecast capacity

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Tiered Huddle
Real-time data for tiered huddles

Identify and elevate issues for unit, department, facility, and system leadership. Save time from administrative reporting with real-time data supporting your daily management activities.


Surface obstacles and mitigate risks
Reduce care team administration
Instantly access information

hands cradling medical shield icon
Safety Huddle
Real-time data for safety huddles

Improve collaboration, notifications, and communication for high safety, risk, and quality initiatives. Identify and prioritize patients, view real-time status, recognize obstacles, and take measures to mitigate risks.


Surface obstacles and mitigate risks
Reduce care team administration
Instantly access information

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Discharge Throughput
Real-time systemwide discharge metrics

Track discharge goal progress dynamically with automatic stage gate categorization and tracking in real-time. Configure goals to your organizations needs to measure EDD documentation adherence and throughput performance.


Forecast discharges
Measure real-time throughput performance
System to bed level visibility
Free up the right beds

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Discharge Planning
Patient level visibility for care coordination and discharge planning

Get a complete picture of patients anticipating discharge and identify barriers early to avoid delays in care. Easily prioritize patients by viewing a single source of discharge planning requirements including Estimated Discharge Dates, ancillary service recommendations, destination, prior authorization, transportation, post-acute placement progress, and more.


Prioritize the right patients
Identify documented barriers
Free up beds to accommodate incoming patients

person moving in wheelchair icon
Transition for Post-Acute Care (Ensocare)
A streamlined workflow solution to discharge patients to the optimal care

Enjoy a solution for post-acute care placement, or behavioral health placement, matching patient’s needs with a robust network of curated care facilities and services. Arrange multiple levels of care facilities, services, and transportation in a single platform.


Automated placement steps
Leverage an engaged network
Understand real-time network performance
Swiftly open up beds

Problems addressed
  • Lack control of volume
  • Lose patients to competitors
  • Trailing market share
  • Sub-optimized patient mix
  • Decreased time to placement
  • Optimized case mix placement
  • Service line growth
  • Increased market share
Problems addressed
  • Operational silos
  • Unable to load balance
  • Disjointed care teams
  • Sub-optimal resource utilization
  • Systemwide visibility
  • Increased capacity
  • Optimal resource utilization
  • Decrease Length of Stay
Problems addressed
  • High Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
  • Reactive discharge planning
  • Elongated patient transitions
  • Unnecessary bed occupancy
  • Decrease Length of Stay
  • Proactive discharge planning
  • Decrease avoidable days
  • Responsive provider network

Additional Technologies

Healthcare is dynamic. These additional technologies may help you achieve your goals.

Intelligent Progression
On-Call Scheduling
Observation, Telemetry
Hospital at Home

Wrapping Technology 
with Expertise

No matter what your goals are, ABOUT solutions are configurable to your needs. Regardless of which solutions are the best fit for you, you will always get these unique benefits through partnering with ABOUT.
Ongoing Partnership
Adopt best practices and ensure success with industry leading clinical experts
Gain Actionable Insights
Intelligence with predictive analytics to make informed decisions
ABOUT is interoperable with any EHR and other HC IT Systems. Enhance your health system technologies and workflows without duplicative entries
Engaged Network
ABOUT builds an engaged provider network, tailored to your health system strategy
End-to-End Solution
The only solution moving patients into, through, and out of acute care – configurable to your needs

Designed to be agile, efficient, and responsive to your health system demands.

Our platform:
  • Intakes your disparate workflow sources
  • Applies AI learning
  • Prioritizes relevant information through our solutions
  • Guides actionable opportunities
edge cognitive platform diagram

Understand how our solutions can help you succeed.